Automated Backup with Robocopy, PowerShell and Symcon

Some time ago I started to learn PowerShell a little more and when it comes to dealing with copy processes, I stumbled upon Robocopy, again. This time I decided to get familiar with it and use Robocopy together with PowerShell to automate my backups.

I got rid of my high power consuming server as a 24/7 machine and built a power saving server while using the old one for virtualization …

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Migrating IPS, AD, DNS, Kodi to low energy server


long time no see 🙂

Meanwhile we moved to a new flat and added a lot of home automation and IoT stuff (hope to have enough time to post about it).

While connecting everything in the new flat and considering the power consumption charts in Symcon I found the 100W my current central server consumes too much for the few 24/7 functions it really does. It is an ESXi …

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